Sunday, January 31, 2010

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Denise Milanie Nacked

From ghetto stars in the sky over Turin

Our Federico Garino us about

DAY OF REMEMBRANCE - January 27, 2010



Politecnico di Torino - Faculty 'The Architecture of

are pleased to invite you to the meeting

fragile memory

In Search of the Jewish ghetto of Turin.

"open classes" on material evidence and

assets of the tragedies of the twentieth century.

Wednesday, 'January 27, 2010 at 17:30

Hall of Honor of Valentino Castle - Viale Mattioli, 39 - Torino


Guido Montanari "Keep the memory of the tragedies"

Valentina Franco "The Ghetto in Turin between stock and reality '"

Greeting introductory

Francesco Profumo - Rector of the Politecnico di Torino

Ferruccio Zorzi - Dean of the Faculty 'of Architecture 1

Gianni Oliva-Councillor Culture of the Piedmont region

Fiorenzo Alfieri - Head of Culture and the 150 Unit 'of Italy in Citta' di Torino

The entrance and the 'free subject to availability of seats in the room .

For further information contact: Tangram Teatro Torino

tel 011.338698

The meeting
'related to the show


novel by Elena Loewenthal staged by

January 29 to February 7 at Tangram Teatro Torino

E 'can pass on the material evidence of the facts most' shocking the last century out of
rhetorical celebration or monumentality '? Knowing and preserving traces of a tragic past that some would like to cancel? What are the places where there were the events of persecution of the Jews we hear about or read about in books? These are some of the questions that during this "open reading" Guido Montanari Valentina Franco, will try to respond in a symbolic day as Jan. 27.

Among the speakers 'ranks the reading of some selected songs by Elena Loewenthal on some historical evidence from the ghetto of Torino.L' initiative, developed by the Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with Tangram Theatre and sponsored by City of Turin, actually wants to witness the interest of the City 'and its cultural institutions on issues of preservation of the memory material simultaneously.

Guido Montanari, architect, professor of contemporary history at the College 'of an architecture of the Polytechnic of Turin, wrote books and articles on architecture and the city' of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Valentina Franco, architect, and 'recently graduated with a thesis on the history of architectural and urban transformations in the Jewish ghetto of Turin, far from its birth to today.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Butterfly Sayings For Teachers

Series of lectures at the Polytechnic and Industrial Union

Federico Garino us about
every Wednesday from January 20 to March 3


Hall - Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - Torino

Shortly after the Copenhagen Conference In December 2009, has seen all over the world gathered by the UN to discuss energy issues, the Polytechnic of Turin, on the anniversary of 150 years, has decided to organize a program of seven lectures on energy issues to reflect on the implications of technological , environmental, social, political and economic.

The goal that we propose is to communicate together with the state of the art knowledge can also review the most serene and objective on events that are considered crucial for the development and welfare of human societies in coming decades.


A major challenge for science and society

in six lectures at the Polytechnic of Turin

Patronage: Piedmont Region Chamber of Commerce-Industrial Union-

-Amma-Confartigianato- Sorgenia-



All lectures will be held in the Aula Magna

Wednesday, January 20 17:30 to 20:00 hours

cycle Conferences

Bruno Panella

Greetings from the Rector of the Politecnico di Torino

Francesco Profumo

Regards of the Piemonte Region -------------------


Presentation of the first Conference

Bianucci Piero, Michele Cali

The energy crisis: The political, economic and environmental


Bonanate Luigi (University of Turin), Alberto CLO ( University of Bologna), Corrado Clini (Ministry of Environment


Wednesday, January 27

Hours 17:30 to 19:30 Presentation of the Second Conference

Richard Varvelli

Fossil Fuels: Hydrocarbons. Carbone


Salvatore Pino (ENI), Ennio Macchi (Politecnico di Milano)

Wednesday, February 3

Hours 17:30 to 19:30 Presentation of the Third Conference

Giovanni Vincenzo Fracastoro

Renewable Energy


Arturo Lorenzoni (University of Padova), Giorgio Palazzi (ENEA)

Wednesday, February 10

Hours 17:30 to 19:30 Presentation of the Fourth Conference

Bruno Panella, Roberto Zanino

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear power plants. Fusion Nuclear


Stefano Monti (ENEA), Mario Merola (ITER)

Wednesday, February 17

Hours 17:30 to 19:30 Presentation of the Fifth Conference

Roberto Napoli Evasio Lavagno

energy networks: L 'electricity. The energy corridors


Dario Lucarella (ERSE), Giancarlo Tosato (IEA / ETSAP)

Wednesday, February 24 17:30 to 19:30 pm Presentation of the Sixth Conference

Cesare Boffa, Marco Filippi

Energy Efficiency in industrial processes. In buildings. Transport


Alessandro Clerici (Confindustria), Federico Butera (Politecnico di Milano), Nevio Di Giusto


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