Friday, September 4, 2009

Kate's Playground Spread

Happy Ending

Well, usually when all the panic, still do. And yes, I made a final exam and that by 10! I had so much luck that he asked me what I did last time behave. Valda and I learned this. Fjuuuu ^ ^
No, to always želela deliti Vami z, z ki ste trpeli hand :-)
Srečno vsem, ki še izpite XDA! Izkažite if!

Well, when I do all this mess to pass the exam, I always overcome. Yes, I did it, so I passed! With 10 e lode! I had so much luck to peck the questions last time then I have studied them all! Fjuuu
^ ^ I wanted to share with all of you who suffered with me :-)
Good luck to all those who still have exams! Be worth!

Lep weekend vsem! A boun
weekend everyone!


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